Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Why does Laertes advise Ophelia to not pursue a relationship with Hamlet?

Laertes is attempting to play the role of the protective older brother as he considers Ophelia’s virtuous reputation to be sacred. He is trying to advise her to do what is best for her emotional and physical wellbeing. He only has the best intentions as he himself, being a younger man, understands the mind and ulterior motives men can have when pursuing a woman, like sex. During Shakespearian times, chastity was considered sacred, as demonstrated in Laertes quote, “the chariest maid is prodigal enough if she unmask her beauty to the moon” (1.3 40-42). Laertes is trying to warn Ophelia that even a woman who is cautious with her heart, may make the mistake of believing that she is in love and can destroy her purity by having sex. Although Ophelia should take into account the advice of her more experienced, older brother, ultimately, the decision will be hers concerning whether or not she wishes to pursue a relationship with Hamlet.

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