Monday, December 10, 2007

Holla Hamlet, Say WHAT?!?!

For 5.2...........................................

(1) There is so much death in 5.2. Hamlet, Gertrude, Laertes and Claudius all die. Essentially, at the end of the play, the only character left alive that we know reasonably well is Horatio. Why do you think Shakespeare killed EVERYONE off? What do you think he was trying to accomplish/convey to the audience by doing so?

(2) What do you think that Hamlet meant by saying that "[Fortinbras] has my dying voice." (5.2.393)? Why would Hamlet say this?

(3) Why would Hamlet want Horatio to tell his story? Is he just boosting his own ego by thinking it's important? What is the point of hearing Hamlet's story? What can we, as the audience, learn?

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