Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Green Eggs & Hamlet Generative Questions!

Green Eggs And Hamlet

How did Claudius become king when it seems that Hamlet should be the heir?

And what about Fortinbras and his uncle being king? Why uncles and not sons?

Why would Gertrude marry Claudius? What does she have to gain?

Why does Hamlet jump to the conclusion that his father was murdered when he hears that his father’s ghost is back?

Polonius says, “Best safety lies in fear” (1.3.47). Is this true?

The ghost tells Hamlet, “Taint not thy mind.” Does he follow that advice?

Is the ghost truly Hamlet’s father?

Is indirectness the best way to find out information? Why don’t they just ask Hamlet? (2.1.74)

Why do Claudius and Gertrude ask R&G to spy on Hamlet instead of asking Horatio?

What is the point of talking about the troupe of child actors?

Do you think Fortinbras has actually given up?

What does the king’s use of “your son” (2.2.58) receal about their relationship?

Is Hamlet actually mad? Or is he just finally speaking his mind?

Why is Hamlet is so inspired by Pyrrus’ story? Is he a good example to follow?

Why does Hamlet act more normal with his friends?

Why doesn’t the ghost just kill Claudius himself?

Will Claudius’ plan to use R&G really work? Where do their loyalties lie?

Despite what Ophelia says, does she love Hamlet? Should we feel sorry for her?

Why is the prologue of the play-within-the-play silent?

Is the king genuine when he says “Sweet Gertrude”?

Is Hamlet really “out of love” with Ophelia? If not, why is he pretending?

Does Claudius feel guilty about what he did?

What parallels can we draw between Gertrude and Hamlet?

What purpose does it serve to have the player play the nephew?

Does Gertrude trust Hamlet? Does she love him?

Does Claudius love Gertrude?

How far will Claudius go to get rid of Hamlet?

If action before thought is manly, should Hamlet be manly?

How do Hamlet and Laertes compare as good sons?

Is the whole –I won’t kill Claudius because he’ll go to heaven- an excuse or good logic?

Why doesn’t he wonder why Claudius is praying?

If Claudius feels guilty, why does he seem to continue in the same vein by banishing Hamlet?

Why does Gertrude let Polonius spy on her?

In “to be or not to be”, does Hamlet know that he is being watched?

What are the differences and similarities between Claudius and Hamlet?

Are R&G loyal to Claudius or to Denmark?

Does Hamlet feel bad about plotting Claudius’ death?

What’s with Polonius’ obsession with spying?

When R&G say, “we will ourselves provide” how is it similar to Polonius betting his life that Hamlet is in love with Ophelia?

Can “one be pardoned and retain the offense”?

What will happen if Hamlet starts acting before he thinks?

How can Hamlet banter with Ophelia after the whole “get thee to a nunnery” bit?

Was the kingship worth it for Claudius?

Why would Hamlet Sr. damn his son like this?

Is Hamlet not killing himself cowardly? Why or why not? And visa versa?

Where does Hamlet’s fear of the future come from?

47. Why does loyalty seem to be rewarded with death or damnation?

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