Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Holla Hamlet! GQs Galore

What is revealed about Hamlet’s character and clarity of mind in his refusal to consume alcohol on Claudius’ wedding night?

After speaking to the ghost, what does Hamlet reveal to Horatio and marcellus and what does he keep to himself? Who does he trust?

Is Hamlet crazy?

How will Hamlet killing Claudius effectively settle the score between Claudius and Hamlet Sr.?

How does the ghost influence Hamlet’s perspective on Gertrude?

How can Hamlet use Ophelia to get to Claudius?

What will avenging Hamlet Sr.’s death actually solve?

What does the frequent juxtaposition of hellish and heavenly diction reveal about the play?

Is it right for Hamlet Sr. To ask his son to carry out his own revenge?

Does Hamlet Sr. Live up to his reputation?

What does Ophelia have to lose in developing a relationship with Hamlet if the benefits of her ?

Is Polonius being overprotective, or is he just trying to be a good father?

What does Hamlet’s letter to Ophelia reveal about his character?

Are Claudius and Gertrude sincere in their worries about Hamlet?

Is Hamlet aware of how he is perceived?

How does Hamlet compare to the players?

Does Hamlet genuinely love Ophelia?

Is Polonius intelligent or does he just like to talk?

Does Gertrude realize how her actions and choices have affected her son?

Why doesn’t Gertrude openly acknowledge Hamlet’s grief?

Is Polonius stupid or manipulative?

Why does Polonius seem more concerned with Hamlet’s feelings than with Ophelia’s?

Why does Polonius allow Ophelia to see Hamlet if he is supposedly “mad”?

How does Polonius’ method of abstracting the truth lead to it?

If Polonius and Laertes have the healthiest relationship thus far, why does Polonius send Reynaldo to spy on Laertes?

Why does Claudius feel guilty all of a sudden?

Why does Claudius want to send Hamlet to England?

Why send Hamlet away when originally Claudius wanted to keep him close?

How do we know when Hamlet isn’t pretending anymore?

Why does Hamlet think Claudius’ decision to leave the play is indicative of his guilt?

Does Hamlet know that Claudius and Polonius are listening to his soliloquy?

Does the queen know something is up with Claudius?

Hamlet speaks to Ophelia is prose, but she speaks to him in verse. What does this reflect about their relationship?

What does Horatio get out of helping Hamlet?

Why is it significant that Hamlet refers to Polonius as “my lord” but not the king as such?

What does the queen’s reaction to the play reveal about her character?

Is Hamlet telling Ophelia that she makes monsters of men or that all women do?

How does the queen’s betrayal reflect Hamlet’s relationship toward Ophelia or perception of women in general?

Is Hamlet’s contemplation of suicide in 3.1 different from when he contemplates suicide earlier in the play? How? Why?

Why is Hamlet grieving so much over a father who continuously imposes unfair expectations on him?

Is there another way to avenge his father’s death?

Is Hamlet brave enough to kill?

Would Hamlet’s suicide be dishonoring his father?

Why is it significant that Polonius is helping Gertrude?

Is Hamlet going to let his actions or his conscience define him?

What is the purpose of Hamlet’s continuing suicidal remarks?

Do you think that Hamlet is the most human character in the play?

How is Hamlet being contradictory about Ophelia?

Why is Polonius fixated on the fact that Hamlet’s madness is derived from love?

How do we know Horatio is truly a loyal friend?

Is Lucianus’ position as nephew to the king significant?

What can we expect from Hamlet’s interaction with Gertrude now that we know Claudius is guilty?

Are R & G going to continue to pester Hamlet now that he has called them on it?

Is Hamlet still putting on an “antic disposition”?

Can Claudius live with his conscience?

Is Polonius a good advisor to the king?

Does Gertrude understand the “sins” she has committed? Or is she trying to appease Hamlet?

Why does Gertrude assume that Hamlet will kill her?

What does Hamlet hope that Gertrude will see in the mirror?

Hamlet doesn’t usually act spontaneously, so why does he just stab Polonius?

61. Did Gertrude every really love Hamlet Sr?

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